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In family

Traveling is one of the most valuable learning experiences that families have the opportunity to do, where you get out of the everyday life, you live unusual moments and you are growing up with your family in a different way. Trips are wonderful experiences that last in the hearts of grandparents, parents and children and remain in their memories forever, not only in photos.


Beaches & nature

1st Stop: Cartagena (2 nights). Arriving to the walled city full of stories of pirates and corsairs that many times wanted to arrive to the Heroic City to conquer, will be a wonderful experience, as well as enjoying an Aviary just 45 minutes from the city where you will find many species of birds that exist in Colombia and a day to travel to the Rosario Islands and enter the Aquarium to see marine species including dolphins.

2nd Stop: Barranquilla (1 night).  The city where our nobel Gabriel Garcia Marques grew up and who in the Caribbean museum has a floor just to tell the stories of his books like Los Funerales de la mama grande, see his typewriters, and understand more in depth what led him to create the magical realism of which his books speak. A few kilometers from the city is creating a water theme park with the most important points of the Caribbean Colombia and will enjoy swimming pools with waves, large slides, artificial beaches, children's games, it will be a fun family day.

3rd stop. Santa Marta (2 nights). It is time to experience nature and understand the importance of taking care of the national parks in Colombia. During the tour you will hike through the rainforest and a great biodiversity, listen to the sound of the waves when you are close to crest the mountain and see the vastness of the beach with large stones and palm trees is a gift of nature. As well as hiking through flora and fauna trails, bird watching, and archaeological tours. As well as visiting coffee plantations and meet an indigenous family, and learn more about our ancestors.

Nature and unique experience

1st Stop: (4 nights). LOST CITY. A magical tourist destination where the wisdom of nature and the indigenous people converge. It is the highest mountain located near the sea, independent of the Andes mountain range. It has all the thermal floors, from the warm dry to the perpetual snow from whose thawing lakes and rivers are born, at 3,000 meters above sea level. Around the 29 main rivers live countless birds and howler monkeys that sing the soundtrack of the Sierra. We recommend this tour for families with a lot of strength and warrior spirit, because it will be many hours of long walks, with bridle paths, sun and water, and meet natural water pools, and arrive at the great lost city, an inheritance of the indigenous culture.

Desert and archeology

1st Stop: (1 night). NEIVA - VILLA VIEJA. One of the most beautiful places in Colombia to observe the stars, take excellent pictures of the Tatacoa desert under the bright sun of the area that helps the brown color to the arid land.

2nd Stop: (2 nights). SAN AGUSTIN.  The importance of our archaeological heritage is very important and although it does not have the same relevance of other archaeological destinations, we have some great parks to make the tour of the stone beings, large-scale statues that were sculpted, all with their ancestral meanings, the vision of the culture of which the name has never been discovered, a mysterious and silent culture.

Coffee culture and adventure combined with history

1st Stop: (3 nights). QUINDIO. It is one of the favorite destinations for Colombians to travel with the family, the nature in the mountains of the Andes with the coffee, banana and cocoa plantations among others, are the image of the cultural landscape of the coffee. You will have the opportunity to visit the theme parks such as the National Coffee Park, Panaca, Parque de los Arrieros, take a tour along the river La Vieja and end the nights with a peaceful dinner in one of the farms of the region. During the tour through the towns you can buy handicrafts, coffee wine, leaving in your heart the importance of planting, as well as agricultural processes.

2nd Stop: (2 nights) BOGOTÁ. Because of the altitude, its temperature and being a cosmopolitan city where corporate clients arrive, it is a metropolis that has excellent options to enjoy with the family. In Bogota you can visit amusement parks, visit the Simon Bolivar Park, the lungs of the city, the Botanical Garden and Jaime Duque Park on the outskirts of Bogota, horseback riding on Colombian Paso Fino horses, walks to see lagoons that keep stories.

3rd stop (2 nights) VILLA DE LEYVA. 3 hours from Bogota is a town that seems to be stopped in time and its architecture is conducive to a novel of the colonial era. There are tours on ATVs or bicycles in the surroundings, visit the Cronosaurus fossil, Gondova Park, Pozos Azules, Iguaque Flora and Fauna Sanctuary, horseback riding in the surroundings, ostrich farm, waterfalls for hiking.

4th stop (2 nights) SAN GIL AND BARICHARA. A destination for adventure sports, there is a huge park PANACHI, which can be the initiation to make the trip with great experiences such as Canoeing, Paragliding, Tubing, caving, Torrentismo, and make tours of bridle paths as Guane from the beautiful town of Barichara with its beautiful churches and history through time, handmade crafts, and enjoy the viewpoint to see the Andes mountain range.

Dorado Experiences “Cuando el mito se convierte en Leyenda”

Our name wishes to express through the image the history of the legend of El Dorado and to transmit the qualities that represent us through the history of a myth that, with time, when the Muisca raft was found in the Guatavita Lagoon, became a legend. Currently the raft is in the Gold Museum of Bogota.

On the other hand, the spiral has a very important meaning in the Muisca mythology, it signifies the creation, which unwinds and gives origin to the mountain, thus arriving to the sky and the sun.

As DMC in Colombia, we are born with the desire to show the world the tourist attractions of the country designing a trip with meaning, looking for a responsible tourist and with the purpose that each person who visits us manages to collaborate with the local economy, impacting the environment in the best way, leaving a mark in each of the territories visited. For these reasons we would like to be your receptive in Colombia

We have a team with over 15 years of experience in inbound tourism Receptive which has the ability to understand what the tourist is really looking for and create a trip experience, enjoying every moment in our country, soaking in the culture, folklore, joy, kindness and beautiful landscapes that characterize us.

History of the Legend:  The Muiscas bathed and adorned in gold their children who would become adults. They put them on a raft that they pushed to the center of the lagoon as an offering. This legend became very famous and for this reason many explorers visited the Muisca territories in search of gold pieces or the Golden city that would exist somewhere, exploiting and excavating in search of wealth, but damaging the ecosystems.


To create meaningful travel experiences in Colombia through a team committed to the environment, communities and the local economy. Respecting our traditions, our ecosystems and capabilities, with an excellent level of service.


To be the DMC in Colombia that covers all the needs of the tourist, from a traditional regional tour, to a private flight that takes the tourist to visit the most mysterious and charming places of the Colombian territory. To generate loyalty with our customers and compliance with our suppliers.

Our values
  • We love what we do
  • Experience and professionalism in our services
  • Cordiality and honesty in our attention
  • Listening, attending and solving needs
  • Kindness and communication with our clients