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Traveling alone

In the company of a host we will take you to know the incredible culture, gastronomy, unique landscapes and the warmth and friendliness of the Colombian people.

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This trip is designed for nature lovers, who come in search of the most exotic and breathtaking landscapes of Colombia.

1st Stop: BOGOTÁ (2 nights): Your first stop starts in the city of Bogotá. We will take you to visit the Chingaza National Natural Park, a natural and cultural treasure of central Colombia. A refuge of fauna and flora of the Andes that reveal to the visitor the secret of life.

2nd Stop: CAÑO CRISTALES (2 nights): The trip continues to the west of Colombia, visiting the River of Five Colors, so called because through its crystal clear waters you can see shades of yellow, blue, green, red and black. This miracle of nature is due to the Macarenia clavigera, an endemic aquatic plant that when in contact with the sun's rays 'paints' Caño Cristales with beautiful colors.

3rd Stop: NUQUI AND BAHÍA SOLANO (3 nights): Located in the Pacific Region, which has the most fauna-inhabited jungle in the world, and with extensive pristine beaches to whose shores humpback whales arrive once a year to have their calves and mate. This is why Nuquí and Bahía Solano, located on the coast of Chocó, are an unmissable tourist destination for nature, sea and nautical sports lovers.


TAYRONA (2 nights): This destination is the perfect combination of walking on a soft white sand beach, where the turquoise sea waves reach your feet generating a sense of peace and tranquility, is one of the places considered one of the most beautiful in the world by the travel magazine Condé Nast Traveler and the British newspaper The Guardian.

THE SIERRA NEVADA DE SANTA MARTA (3 nights) A magical tourist destination where the wisdom of nature and the indigenous people converge. It is the highest mountain located near the sea, independent of the Andes mountain range. It has all the thermal floors, from the warm dry to the perpetual snow from whose thawing lakes and rivers are born, at 3,000 meters above sea level. Around the 29 main rivers live countless birds and howler monkeys that sing the soundtrack of the Sierra.

Culture, tastes and aromas

1st Stop: BOGOTA (2 nights): Your first stop starts in the city of Bogota. We will take you to see the world's largest collection of pre-Columbian gold pieces at the Gold Museum. We will continue with a visit to the Museo Donación Botero, to appreciate the figures with volume made by the artist Fernando Botero, more commonly known as "Las gorditas de Botero". We continue the tour in one of the most important market places, to appreciate the variety of fruits, vegetables, flowers and local culture. There you will taste one of Bogota's signature dishes "El Ajiaco Santafereño". The journey through the Colombian capital continues to one of the most autochthonous and fun sports enjoyed by the locals called "El Tejo", you will play as a local, accompanied with a gastronomic tasting with the so-called "Picada", which is what traditionally accompanies this sport and end with a tasting of craft beer, the flagship drink of this sport.

2nd Stop: EJE CAFETERO (2 nights): The trip continues in one of the lands that produces the smoothest coffee in the world, the coffee triangle or coffee region, where three regions come together to offer the best experiences around this delicious beverage. The first experience consists of visiting a local coffee Hacienda, where the farmers will tell you their history and the rustic process that takes you from the plantation to a hot cup of coffee. The following day you will have the opportunity to appreciate the variety of Flora and Fauna that this beautiful region offers, starting at dawn to have a glimpse of the endemic and migratory birds that adorn with their songs the coffee dawns, here our first gastronomic tasting of the day with the famous "Canelazo" that will give you the energy to continue with the day. Your view continues to a Hacienda that unlike the previous visit was dedicated to cultivate one of the most beautiful flowers produced in Colombia "The Orchid", variety of sizes, colors and types. You will finish recharged with the delicious "Trout on plantain tostón", one of the signature dishes of the region.

3rd Stop: MEDELLIN (2 nights): One of the unmissable destinations in your itinerary, a city full of culture, music, art, education and Icon of Social Transformation in the country. You start your tour in one of the most important cultural centers of the city and where your visit will contribute to the local community "La comuna 13" after we tell you a little history of this commune and how after being one of the places most affected by violence in Colombia today are a symbol of development and transformation will make the tour through its streets full of urban art and taste the famous "Mango Ice Cream" or a "Mango beer michelada. The visit to this beautiful city is complemented by its surroundings visiting the imposing stone of El Peñol and the colorful town of Guatapé, the gastronomic quota is provided by the famous "Bandeja Paisa" that you can not miss and maybe you can enjoy a drink of the local drink "Aguardiente".

4th Stop: CARTAGENA (3 nights): Your trip could not end better! This beautiful city is the perfect combination of culture, musical rhythms, architecture, gastronomy thanks to its African and Caribbean origins that permeate every step you take through its beautiful and colorful historic center, tasting a fruit dish of the beautiful women "Palenqueras", we will tell you about its origin and importance, a typical sweet in the famous Portal de los Dulces and finish with a delicious local cocktail watching the sunset from the Baluarte of the walled city. You will live the Afro-Caribbean rhythms that are carried in the blood, so your night ends with "Champeta" classes.

Part of your visit to the Colombian Caribbean is to enjoy a beautiful beach and a crystal clear sea, so we will take you to know one of the most beautiful natural reserves of Colombia "Islas del Rosario" you will enjoy a day of sun and beach accompanied by the typical gastronomic tasting of the region "fried fish, patacón, coconut rice and salad".

Dorado Experiences “Cuando el mito se convierte en Leyenda”

Our name wishes to express through the image the history of the legend of El Dorado and to transmit the qualities that represent us through the history of a myth that, with time, when the Muisca raft was found in the Guatavita Lagoon, became a legend. Currently the raft is in the Gold Museum of Bogota.

On the other hand, the spiral has a very important meaning in the Muisca mythology, it signifies the creation, which unwinds and gives origin to the mountain, thus arriving to the sky and the sun.

As DMC in Colombia, we are born with the desire to show the world the tourist attractions of the country designing a trip with meaning, looking for a responsible tourist and with the purpose that each person who visits us manages to collaborate with the local economy, impacting the environment in the best way, leaving a mark in each of the territories visited. For these reasons we would like to be your receptive in Colombia

We have a team with over 15 years of experience in inbound tourism Receptive which has the ability to understand what the tourist is really looking for and create a trip experience, enjoying every moment in our country, soaking in the culture, folklore, joy, kindness and beautiful landscapes that characterize us.

History of the Legend:  The Muiscas bathed and adorned in gold their children who would become adults. They put them on a raft that they pushed to the center of the lagoon as an offering. This legend became very famous and for this reason many explorers visited the Muisca territories in search of gold pieces or the Golden city that would exist somewhere, exploiting and excavating in search of wealth, but damaging the ecosystems.


To create meaningful travel experiences in Colombia through a team committed to the environment, communities and the local economy. Respecting our traditions, our ecosystems and capabilities, with an excellent level of service.


To be the DMC in Colombia that covers all the needs of the tourist, from a traditional regional tour, to a private flight that takes the tourist to visit the most mysterious and charming places of the Colombian territory. To generate loyalty with our customers and compliance with our suppliers.

Our values
  • We love what we do
  • Experience and professionalism in our services
  • Cordiality and honesty in our attention
  • Listening, attending and solving needs
  • Kindness and communication with our clients