Sustainability policy

Our philosophy is that every traveler and visitor leaves a positive footprint with his trip and generates a contribution in every place he decides to visit in our country.  Helping the economic growth, respecting the environment, community, ethnicity and inhabitant of each region or destination you want to include in your trip to Colombia.

Based on the Sustainability policy, within the framework of the technical standard NTS 003 of 2018 we have implemented our operation, service standards and focused our product portfolio as well as the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for tourism

Sociocultural:  We work to support all activities that preserve the cultural heritage of the nation, including them within our tourism programs, for the approach and knowledge of tangible assets, intangible manifestations, products and representations of culture, languages and dialects of indigenous, black and Creole communities, ethnic traditions, ancestral knowledge, cultural landscape, customs and habits,

We organize programs of special natural, historical, artistic, architectural, archaeological, musical, museological or anthropological interest, among others.

We raise awareness and promote different actions with the different stakeholders that allow us to generate awareness regarding:

  • All forms of exploitation and abuse of children and adolescents.
  • Commercialization and trafficking of wild flora and fauna.
  • Illegal commercialization and trafficking of goods with historical and cultural value at the regional, national and global levels.

Ambiental: All our activities are focused on making sure that the tourism activity we are carrying out is responsible and friendly with nature and that its objective is to protect natural resources. We monitor the carbon footprint generated by each activity and seek ways to compensate through reforestation projects.  We will work to carry out all the necessary actions for the protection of natural resources that is responsible and friendly with nature. Our goal is to achieve activities that pollute as little as possible and to transmit to tourists the importance of enjoying a trip that cares for and preserves the places they visit.

We offset the carbon footprint of the trips. We calculate the CO2 emissions of each trip, and the monetary value goes to reforestation projects.

We optimize the use of plastic bottles, using glass bottles and requesting our customers to refill their bottles with water in the special filtration systems for hotels to avoid the use of plastic bottles.

Our travelers receive reusable water flasks to use during activities and hikes.

Promote internally the responsible use of water and energy.

Promote the correct disposal of final waste generated within the company.

We participate in recycling programs for glass and plastic products.

Prevention against ESCNNA
Through the rejection and dissemination of regulations that criminalize the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents and the exploitation of child labor.

Economic: Our activities promote the purchase of goods, services, handicrafts and products manufactured by local people or companies under fair and equitable conditions.

A percentage of the profits are used to support vulnerable families in the destinations our travelers visit.

We support labor formality, and the fair payment and treatment of guides, drivers, and service providers.

We promote actions that support the strengthening of the capacities of the communities in the tourist destinations where we operate.

Leave a footprint with your trip and make a positive contribution in every place you decide to include in your trip through Colombia.  Here are some important tips to keep in mind during your trip:

Through this document we want you to be part of the process of creating and promoting sustainable tourism.

Dejamos a tu discreción la firma simbólica de la declaración que te convertirá en un turista responsable.

Among the recommendations you will find.

  1. Consume local. We invite you to spend the resources you have earmarked for your trip on products and services produced in the destination, try the local cuisine and handicrafts made by local craftsmen.
  2. Contribute to protect the ecosystem. Stay in hotels that really help the ecosystem. Make sure the ecosystem is not exploited, protect it, water it and help it grow.
  3. Consume responsibly. Being away from home and paying for a hotel does not mean that energy use and water consumption will be higher than what you usually use. With food, don't waste and serve yourself what you really consume or usually eat. Also ask yourself if it is ethical to have swimming pools or water-intensive golf courses in areas with dry climates or high water pressure.
  4. Do not encourage or participate in discriminatory activities. Avoid any attitude and comments or actions that threaten or limit the integrity of people. Listen and value people, culture, race and customs. Become an ambassador of what you know and learned.
  5. It favors the conservation of heritage. We know that now one of the most important things is the best selfie, but we invite you to respect, if it says do not pass, do not use, do not talk, you must respect the rules. It is part of the preservation of the heritage that for one reason or another can be affected.
  6. Promotes fair labor. Try to hire companies that perform their work under decent conditions, timely and fair payments, and legal benefits. Avoid child labor and sexual exploitation under all conditions.
  7. Walk or use transportation that helps the environment. To lower your carbon footprint, use bicycles, walk, carry little luggage, choose direct flights, among others.

Don't forget that the planet needs you and it is the one we will leave to our future generation TAKE CARE.


Dorado Experiences “Cuando el mito se convierte en Leyenda”

Our name wishes to express through the image the history of the legend of El Dorado and to transmit the qualities that represent us through the history of a myth that, with time, when the Muisca raft was found in the Guatavita Lagoon, became a legend. Currently the raft is in the Gold Museum of Bogota.

On the other hand, the spiral has a very important meaning in the Muisca mythology, it signifies the creation, which unwinds and gives origin to the mountain, thus arriving to the sky and the sun.

As DMC in Colombia, we are born with the desire to show the world the tourist attractions of the country designing a trip with meaning, looking for a responsible tourist and with the purpose that each person who visits us manages to collaborate with the local economy, impacting the environment in the best way, leaving a mark in each of the territories visited. For these reasons we would like to be your receptive in Colombia

We have a team with over 15 years of experience in inbound tourism Receptive which has the ability to understand what the tourist is really looking for and create a trip experience, enjoying every moment in our country, soaking in the culture, folklore, joy, kindness and beautiful landscapes that characterize us.

History of the Legend:  The Muiscas bathed and adorned in gold their children who would become adults. They put them on a raft that they pushed to the center of the lagoon as an offering. This legend became very famous and for this reason many explorers visited the Muisca territories in search of gold pieces or the Golden city that would exist somewhere, exploiting and excavating in search of wealth, but damaging the ecosystems.


To create meaningful travel experiences in Colombia through a team committed to the environment, communities and the local economy. Respecting our traditions, our ecosystems and capabilities, with an excellent level of service.


To be the DMC in Colombia that covers all the needs of the tourist, from a traditional regional tour, to a private flight that takes the tourist to visit the most mysterious and charming places of the Colombian territory. To generate loyalty with our customers and compliance with our suppliers.

Our values
  • We love what we do
  • Experience and professionalism in our services
  • Cordiality and honesty in our attention
  • Listening, attending and solving needs
  • Kindness and communication with our clients